Sherene Melania's Unbreakable: Honoring the Women of Iran, premiered at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco on May 18, 2023, as the highlight of Presidio Dance Theatre’s 25th Anniversary Celebration. In line with PDT's mission of utilizing the arts to support humanitarian causes, the performance benefitted the Center for Human Rights in Iran. Unbreakable explores the brutally oppressive Islamic Republic and female led revolution. It’s the story of shir zan (lioness) and reflects the strength and beauty of an unbreakable spirit that will continue to fight until light overcomes darkness. It combines Sherene Melania’s signature style of ethno-classical ballet with contemporary dance, along with Artistic Advisor, Lily Samii’s, powerful production design. Presidio Dance Theatre has a 25 year history of promoting justice through dance. We remain committed to amplifying the voices of the women, girls, and youths of Iran, supporting their fight for freedom in Iran, until this day comes!
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